Red Rose

Rabu, 27 Ogos 2014


hehe, sakit perut baby takdela 'hilang begitu sahaja'. Ada lah cara utk massage perut dan kaki baby.

Take baby that tgn kita licin. Massage the perut in clockwise direction (important, sbb pergerakan stools etc dalam organ penghadaman moves in that direction). Massage lama2 sikit. Then move down to the legs, massage arah kebawah. Then massage tapak kaki dia. Selang-selikan dgn menolak kaki baby (with knees bent) ke arah perut dia.

Sometimes baby akan burp burp atau kentut.

My grandma punye cara, in addition to that, tiarapkan baby on your thigh. Perut baby resting on your thigh. Then urut2 belakang dia. Tapi make sure this is not right after feeding time ye.

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